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We develop customized WordPress plugins
because 70 000 are not enough for you

There are more than 70 000 commercial plugins that you can install on your website in a few clicks. They do everything and thousands are free. And yet, SMEs prefer to ask us for tailor-made plugins. Why?

I know why, let’s talk

What do the 20, 30 or 50 third-party plugins on your website have in common?

Third-party plugins were created to be installed on millions of websites without giving priority to any of them. Their developers decide their functions, limits, and monthly cost.

They almost always fulfill their initial purpose. But they are a standard product and do not know what is best for you.
And that undermines the viability of your business without you being able to avoid it.

They make you dependent

They make you dependent

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If your operability is based on 30 core plugins, you depend on their 30 programmers.

  • You pay for subscriptions for incomplete or redundant products
  • You depend on unplanned or nonexistent updates
  • You take the risk that the plugin disappears without notice

Standardized solutions limit your possibilities. You make different tools fit in the best possible way for tasks that you could do with just one.

  • There are too many or missing plugins or they have overlapping functionalities
  • No matter what your company is like; you are not offering a truly unique experience that is 100% yours
  • In-house operations are limited by the corset that others impose on you
They slow down your growth

They slow down your growth

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They lead to security breaches

They lead to security breaches

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If dozens of plugins are piling up in the entrails of your website, you have a Trojan Horse. You meet fear when something fundamental stops working, and you do not even know what is wrong.

  • They are incompatible with each other or with newer versions of WordPress.
  • They overload operations, making your website slow and impractical.
  • You put the privacy of your company and your customers at risk.

And now what?

Customized WordPress plugins: One less worry

Why would you want to invest in a

tailor-made plugin?

Hundreds of SMEs have taken control of their websites with plugins tailored to their requirements and the way they work and sell. Their websites, their plugins, their rules.

You increase functionalities

Plugins do what you need, streamline what is necessary and remove what limits you.

Neither too much nor too little.

You distinguish yourself inside and outside

You distinguish yourself inside and outside

You offer a better experience to your customers and staff.

If your company is different, why operate like everyone else?

You are relieved of pressure

Agile, secure and 100% compatible plugins without depending on the whim of third parties and complying with all regulations.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

¿Do you already know which tasks you want to optimize on your website?

Here are some ideas of plugins we have developed for our customers


Automated quotes for technical translations

So many hours are spent quoting translations of technology patents… and with no guarantee of quotes being accepted. What if we automate it?

With this plugin, users can upload the pdf file into the web, select languages and immediately receive an email with the price.


QR audios for tailor-made gifts

Is there anything more personal than an audio message?

We designed a solution for customers to include an audio in the gift, recorded as a QR to listen to it online. 

Maximum product differentiation through a plugin.


Amazon universal links for a publishing house

Writers can now sell more thanks to the innovative publishing house that asked us for this plugin.

Based on the ASIN or ISBN, a link and a QR code are created to access the product on Amazon in each country according to IP geolocation. One access for everyone.


Private call automation with Jitsi

When you are an online psychologist and manage dozens of video calls per month, is there anything faster than sending each link by hand? 

This plugin creates a Jitsi link and sends it by email to patients and psychologists each time an appointment is requested.


Massive product manager for e-commerce

Plugin specifically developed to manage the products of an online store in large batches. 

By massively uploading catalog documentation, this multinational saves hours of work and avoids human errors (and the cost they entail).

The way to make your company more functional, agile, and secure.

We develop the customized WordPress plugin

that boosts your website

We define your idea

even if you find it hard to explain it

  • Tailored to your operational and business goals. Also with a WooCommerce plugin.
  • Adapted to your technical requirements.
  • Practical and functional approach, without loose ends or surprises.

WordPress Plugin Developer

We build your customized solution

  • Built to last with state-of-the-art technology.
  • With the experience from more than 350 successful projects for almost 200 customers.
  • And with a periodic report so you can find out everything and validate progress.

We implement

your customized plugin

  • Compatible with all third-party applications under WordPress standards that you may already have.
  • Optimized to be as clean and light as possible. Fast websites.
  • And yes, we teach you how to get the most out of it.

Nos ayudaron a desarrollar una nueva web totalmente a medida en WordPress, desarrollando todo completamente adhoc. Ahora tenemos un sitio web rápido y autogestionable, con funcionalidades de gestión desarrolladas específicamente para nuestras necesidades, en especial para gestionar el contenido y documentos de todos los productos que disponemos en la web, en todos los idiomas, y con un control de versiones de todo ello.

Néstor Díaz


Muy recomendables. Tras varios años trabajando con distintos desarrolladores para diferentes proyectos, por fin dimos con la empresa adecuada. Amadeu y Joan han conseguido solucionar problemas que parecían irresolubles, gracias a su enorme capacidad analítica y, sobre todo, por su alto nivel técnico. Se han convertido en nuestra empresa de referencia para cualquier tipo de desarrollo.

Bruno Fernández


Rápidos, eficientes, proactivos, y versátiles. Siempre dispuestos a ayudar en todo lo que se pueda y por lo tanto, un partner más que recomendable. Nos echan una mano con diferentes proyectos WordPress pero se adaptan a lo que va saliendo. Estamos encantados

Cristina Gros


Desde Grup Gamma confiamos en Joan y Amadeu para nuestro proyecto de extranet. Nos han ayudado a desarrollar proyectos WordPress a medida, creando plugins adhoc para nuestras necesidades. Han realizado la conexión de WordPress con nuestros Webservices, así como la integración con sistemas externos. Estamos muy contentos con su colaboración y la verdad que su profesionalidad y rapidez nos ha permitido avanzar y poner en marcha este proyecto y confiamos en ellos para futuros proyectos.

Joan Roldán


End-to-end support and optimization.

End-to-end support and optimization.

We have the solution, we just need to know your idea.

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The importance of choosing a good plugin developer

The choice of plugin developers for WordPress can make the difference between a mediocre website and an exceptional one. A well-developed plugin not only enhances your website’s functionality but also contributes to a better user experience and, ultimately, to better search engine performance.

What is a WordPress plugin?

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that is installed and integrated into a WordPress site to add new features or extend existing capabilities. These can range from simple design modifications to complex business solutions.

Why should I consider a custom WordPress plugin for my business?

Custom plugins are tailored specifically to your needs and requirements, offering unique solutions that cannot be found in standard plugins available on the market. This allows you to differentiate yourself, improve your website’s functionality, and optimize internal operations.

What advantages does custom plugin development offer over using existing plugins?

Custom WordPress plugins eliminate the dependence on multiple third-party plugins, reducing the risk of incompatibilities, security gaps, and website overload. Additionally, they guarantee a unique experience for both the site administrator and the end-users.

How does the plugin development process work with Sirvelia?

The process begins with defining your idea and needs, followed by building the custom solution using cutting-edge technology and implementing the plugin on your website, ensuring its compatibility and optimization.

Can I request the creation of any type of plugin?

Yes, at Sirvelia, we specialize in developing custom solutions based on the specific needs of your project, no matter how complex the desired functionality may be. Ask us for the most challenging, and we will surprise you.

What kind of support and maintenance does Sirvelia offer?

We offer updates to ensure compatibility with future versions of WordPress, as well as technical support to resolve any potential issues.

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How is the plugin of your dreams? :)